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Who We Are

Snohomish River kayakersThe North Sound Sea Kayaking Association is a paddling club founded in 1985 to promote the enjoyment and safety of sea kayaking through trips, instruction, and information exchange. NSSKA is run solely by volunteer members who organize and lead trips all over the Puget Sound area. While most of our kayaking is in salty waters, we also paddle lakes and the occasional river. 

Whether we're on a day trip or taking an extended adventure trip, our mantra is to enjoy and be safe. We ensure both by providing training to members on an ongoing basis and by offering trips for different preferences and skill levels.

From October through April, we hold monthly online meetings. We invite speakers to present demonstrations, slide shows and videos, and lead discussions of interest to all sea kayakers. Topics include boats and equipment, safety and seamanship, navigation, marine biology, and paddling adventure reports. Non-members are welcome to attend.Watch our event calendar for details..

Whether you are a beginner, expert or somewhere in between, you will find friends and support for your sea kayaking adventures in NSSKA. A final word: We are committed to sustaining our beautiful marine environment and creatures who share it. Learn how you can help on these websites:

NOAA Wildlife Viewing Guide
Puget Sound Keepers
Puget Sound kelp conservation
Snohomish Marine Resources Committee.

Robert Christensen

Our fearless leaders

NSSKA is led by these volunteers: 

Robert Christensen - President

Paul Miller - Vice President

Sarah Rosenbloom - Treasurer

 Alison MacKenzie- Secretary

Julia Schiemer - Director

Martin Proudfoot - Director

Robert Nissenbaum,Training Coordinator
Derek Coffman, Trip Coordinator
Tim Hallmark, Trip Leader Coordinator
Steve Phelps and Jon Todd, Pool Coordinators

Questions? Contact us!